Les Mills Classes

Leading a global team of thousands Les Mills is tapping into the freshest exercise trends, fusing science, music, movement and ground-breaking technology, and doing whatever possible to make life-changing fitness experiences more accessible.

Flex is offering the following Les Mills classes, with more to come:

BODYPUMP—the original barbell class
Sundays, 9:30am – 10:30am &
Wednesdays, 5:30pm – 6:30pm

BODYPUMP, a total body workout that will burn calories, shape and tone your entire body, increase core strength and improve bone health. World leading Instructors will coach you through the scientifically-backed moves and techniques pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music – helping you achieve much more than on your own!

Powered by science – using THE REP EFFECT formula of light weights and high repetitions, BODYPUMP develops lean, athletic muscle, aids metabolism and improves body composition. See findings from the Les Mills Lab for more evidence.

BODYBALANCE — New Generation Yoga with Tai Chi and Pilates

BODYBALANCE is a great introduction if you haven’t tried yoga before. If you’re already doing some form of yoga, you’ll love the variety from your regular class. Improve your flexibility and increase core strength while you reduce stress levels. You’ll focus your mind and create a lasting sense of wellbeing and calm. Powered by science – Controlled breathing, concentration and stretches makes BODYBALANCE a useful recovery solution. Participants feel more positive, confident, motivated, and less stressed. See findings from the Les Mills Lab for more evidence.


Choreographed by Gandalf Archer-Mills in Auckland, New Zealand, BODYJAM is the ultimate combination of music and dance. Tracks that you love right now? They’re in BODYJAM. That new style you’ve heard about? It was in BODYJAM last year.

Whether you’ve got two left feet or fancy yourself as Beyonce’s back up dancer, we’ve got your back. BODYJAM doesn’t discriminate, and dance is free, so what’s stopping you? While we’re pretty sure you’ll be too busy dancing your butt off, it’s good to know that you’ll be getting a killer workout and burning calories while you’re at it. Can’t hurt right?

Choose Happy